16.7 Incorrect number of dropdown options are announced by the screen reader (M)

Dropdown highlighted on the timetables page

FIGURE 16.7: Dropdown highlighted on the timetables page

16.7.1 WCAG 4.1.2 (A) - Desktop

When the user navigates to the ‘Level of entry’ dropdown menu, an incorrect number of list options is announced by the screen reader. ‘Please Select’ is included as an option meaning Postgraduate is announced as ‘2 of 3’ instead of it being ‘1 of 2’. This issue could be occurring because ‘Please select’ has been coded as a option value.

It is important that screen reader users are informed of the correct number of options so they know how many elements they are interacting with.

This issue persists for all the dropdown options on the Timetables and Registration form pages.

16.7.2 Recommendation

Ensure the correct number of dropdown options associated to each question is announced by screen reader e.g. ’ Level of entry Postgraduate 1 of 2 selected’