14.3 Dynamic content not announced by screen reader (H)

search field highlighted on the Search courses page

FIGURE 14.6: search field highlighted on the Search courses page

14.3.1 WCAG 4.1.3 (AA) - Desktop, Mobile, iPad

When the user enters a keyboard into the search field on the Search Courses page, the page dynamically updates with the search results. This information is not announced by screen reader.

Blind and low vision users need to be informed of changes happening on screen as they have no visual frame of reference and require up to date information in order to make informed decisions.

14.3.2 Recommendation

Depending on the context and importance of the dynamic content on screen, the information can be indicated by using aria live regions setting aria-live=‘assertive’, aria-live="polite" or role=“alert”. The purpose of this ARIA content is to notify assistive technologies that a change has occurred and not have users assume that the form is not functioning correctly.

In this instance, aria-live="polite" is recommended as it will notify users of updates but generally won’t interrupt the current task. For reference both role=alert and assertive will immediately notify the user, and could potentially clear the speech queue of previous updates.