15.7 CAPTCHA content has audio alternative but this is not accessible to users (M)

I'm not a robot ReCaptcha highlighted on the timetables page

FIGURE 15.11: I’m not a robot ReCaptcha highlighted on the timetables page

recaptcha help options highlighted on timetables page

FIGURE 15.12: recaptcha help options highlighted on timetables page

15.7.1 WCAG 1.1.1 (A), 2.1.1 (A) - Desktop

When a user checks the ‘I’m not a robot’ checkbox on the RECAPTCHA page, a CAPTCHA challenge modal appears on screen.

Image based CAPTCHA are often not accessible for all types of users, especially those who are blind or have low vision. This modal does offer other options for such users including ‘get a new challenge’, ‘get an audio challenge’ and a ‘help’ button.

Although there are alternative authentication options, when this page is viewed on desktop with NVDA screen reader active, the NVDA talks over the audio challenge, making it difficult for the user to interpret.

15.7.2 Recommendations

Consider removing the CAPTCHA altogether, as recommend by Gov.uk guidelines and implement an authentication option which doesn’t require a cognitive test.

If CAPTCHA must be used then ensure that the audio clip can be played from selecting the link alone (using the keyboard or the mouse) and have focus go to the input field once the clip has finished playing.